Bright Financial Goals

Friday, February 10, 2006

The most simple of goals... To Buy a TV!

My options are:

  1. Keep current setup of 27" Flat Screen CRT in living room and 13" CRT in Bedroom until we purchase a house.

  2. Purchase a new 27" Flat Screen CRT for Bedroom. Cost: $151

  3. Purchase a larger Flat Panel LCD for living room, replace current entertainment center with a nice stand. Cost: $900+

  4. Purchase a DLP Projector, screen, mount and get rid of current entertainment center. Cost: $800+

I believe since option 1 is so much more affordable, this is what I should choose until we purchase a home. Then, I can go all out with option 3, which is really what I want. However, I don't mind waiting, since 27" is plenty for me right now.


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